Pipe Dreams
Many of these creations are registered with the United States Copyright Office
They are engraved with the artist name, the date and the copyright registration number.
Mark Rudes

Guitar Man. Brass
Artist Statement
At an early age I took apart my father's windup alarm clock which sparked my imagination and began my lifelong fascination with anything mechanical.
Over the past 72 years, I have pursued an education in architecture but never practiced, restored several classic cars, written a novel about Babe Ruth, created a word game for the iPhone, built a solar powered green house to heat our pool, designed, built and flown many remote controlled airplanes, run several businesses, dabbled in pen and ink drawings and most recently pursued my natural inclination to create sculptures from chrome, brass and steel pipe fittings.
These sculptures have evolved from simple stick like figures to elaborate works of art.
My wife refers to these creations as
"Pipe Dreams"

. Golpher 16 inches tall. 1/2 Chrome and Brass

The Reader
Glass wheeled Motorcycle.
38 inches long, 13 inches tall and 8 inches wide. Weighs 16 pounds.
Copyright registration number 1-10708920431
Glass Wheeled Tri-Bike
28 inchses long 14 inches tall 11 inchses wide 14 pounds

Four Wheeled Motorcycle
30 inches long, 11 inches wide and 14 inches tall. weighs 14 lbs
Copyright Registration # 1-10746998841
Below are smaller things for your shelf
A horse of Course.
Chrome-Steel-Brass 16 inches long 14 inches tall 5 inches wide. Copyright Protected.
Running Man

Chrome and Brass Bike
A man of leasure

Three Wheels 2 Guns

Parent Kneeling
Polished Chrome and Brass. 12 inches tall, 12 inches long and 8 inches wide.
Swing Set
11 inches long 9 inches tall 9 inches wide
PP Man
11 inches tall 7 iches wide 5 inches depth. Weighs 2lb
Just Relax
Polished Chrome 12 inches tall,
12 inches long, 8 inches wide.

Outdoor Man on Bicycle
5 feet long 4 feet tall 18 inches wide
Colored PVC with Chrome Wheels
PVC Man relaxing

Lawn Art Bicycle
Colored PVC 10 feet long

Lawn Art Tricycle Colored PVC
68 " Tall 64 " Long 24" Wide
"Baseball Player"
19 inches tall Chrome and Brass
Soccer Player.
18 Inches Tall. Chrome and Brass